Advice from Dads

A few weeks ago I came across a blog with advice from moms who had been there and done that! It was a blog about what seasoned moms with grown children regretted about raising their children. I was really surprised by most of the answers and wanted to ask all of the moms I know personally, but then I got to thinking and decided it’d be a perfect time to ask dads for dad advice in time for Father’s Day. There is SO MUCH out there for moms and from moms, but we don’t hear from the dads too often which sparked the idea for my dad survey! I think you’ll enjoy reading what the dads had to say, I know I did.

QUESTION:  What do you wish your wife better understood about your role as a father?

That everything I do is now in support of him.

…how much I value her suggestions and input since she is with our kids all the time and I am away so often.

When I ask her to help discipline the boys.


It’s harder than it looks. Most of the time I had no idea what I was doing.

Unfortunately, I only had 1 “seasoned” father complete the survey for been there, done that advice.

QUESTION:  What’s 1 (or more) thing you wish you would have done differently while raising your children?

Spent more time listening to them. Less time telling them. 

QUESTIONS:  What’s 1 (or more) thing you’d do the same?

Spend time just listening to them process life.

QUESTION:  Any other advice or input you’d like the world to know about being a dad?

When my son was very young someone made a comment to me about how profoundly children change your life. I made a joke about understanding because of lack of sleep. I have since realized how much more kids change everything about you in a very positive way. I would not change anything.

Being a dad is challenging and every child is different which means they have different needs and different ways they respond to life, but deeply loving, knowing, understanding, and growing with your children in the different ages and stages (in all their weirdness and moodiness) is one of the most amazing and rewarding adventures that you may ever take!

When a good mom is being a good mom everyone pats her on the back and praises her. When a good dad is being a good dad everyone acts surprised as if the moon just fell out of the sky……

There isn’t a better job. Enjoy your kids. Don’t worry about fitting a stereotype, spend time with your kids and love them and they’ll think they have the best dad.

Being a dad is more about relationship than about being a provider. It’s ok to let your kid know that you mostly don’t have a clue of what you are doing.

I’m so glad I added that last question to the survey and so happy the dads took the time to answer it! I love everything the dads had to say!

Stay tuned to hear what the wives had to say about their husbands as fathers and to hear what sons and daughters had to say about their dads!

And to all the amazing dads out there…HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!

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